The City of St. Albert will begin concrete and asphalt work in your area this month. The construction work will be conducted by Knelsen Sand & Gravel Ltd. and is part of the City of St. Albert’s annual infrastructure improvement programs.
Construction Timeline
Construction activities are scheduled to begin in mid-May and are anticipated to be complete by the end of the 2024 construction season. The required work will take place in phases in order to limit inconveniences, although intermittent disruptions will take place to address the necessary improvements.
For Your Safety
In order to complete the upgrades in a timely manner, No Parking and Construction Safety signage will be placed in affected areas. Please obey all traffic signage and avoid all barricaded areas for the duration of construction. If scheduled waste collection is interrupted by construction, Knelsen will tag your waste collection bins, move them to an accessible area to be emptied and return your bins to your residence.
If you have an underground sprinkler system in the front yard of your residence, have moblity concerns and need to make additional arrangements, or have any additional concerns, please contact Lacy Watson, Project Manager, at the contact information below.
Lacey Watson, Project Manager, can be reached Monday-Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (780) 886-4114 or After hours please call for 24 hour assistance (587) 410-2406. If there are any questions or concerns, please reach out to the City of St. Albert’s Construction Help Desk at (780) 459-1762 or